Posts Tagged 'movie'

The Hobbit

An unmotivated hero throws in all his chips to join a troupe of homeless dwarves on a quest to reclaim their stolen inheritance. It’s an odd choice of action for the hero as the same dwarves have only just raided

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The Hobbit

An unmotivated hero throws in all his chips to join a troupe of homeless dwarves on a quest to reclaim their stolen inheritance. It’s an odd choice of action for the hero as the same dwarves have only just raided

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Life of Pi

The future of 3D cinema depends upon its exploration as an artform unique to itself – something closer to theatre or sculpture than to traditional cinema. Otherwise it seems to do little but offer novelty and a problematic highlighting of


Life of Pi

The future of 3D cinema depends upon its exploration as an artform unique to itself – something closer to theatre or sculpture than to traditional cinema. Otherwise it seems to do little but offer novelty and a problematic highlighting of


Holy Motors

This starts out like you’re watching a Tropfest DVD, a sequence of short films. It ends up in much the same place. In this case the signature item that thinly binds the whole together is nothing more than actor Denis

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Holy Motors

This starts out like you’re watching a Tropfest DVD, a sequence of short films. It ends up in much the same place. In this case the signature item that thinly binds the whole together is nothing more than actor Denis

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Beasts of the Southern Wild

A slight, sometimes imperceptible tale nevertheless remarkable and rewarding for its sheer lack of convention. It’s disorienting enough to leave us wondering whether we are watching an apocalyptic sci-fi, a myth retold, or just a minor extrapolation of events surrounding

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Beasts of the Southern Wild

A slight, sometimes imperceptible tale nevertheless remarkable and rewarding for its sheer lack of convention. It’s disorienting enough to leave us wondering whether we are watching an apocalyptic sci-fi, a myth retold, or just a minor extrapolation of events surrounding

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Attack The Block

Ewokish chavs on bicycles save their corner of the world from something toothy and belligerent out of Ben10.  Like many movies about wayward youth it resolves with the protagonists’ reintegration into society, but in doing so discounts any special vision

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Attack The Block

Ewokish chavs on bicycles save their corner of the world from something toothy and belligerent out of Ben10.  Like many movies about wayward youth it resolves with the protagonists’ reintegration into society, but in doing so discounts any special vision

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Wake In Fright (1971)

A changing of the guard in Australian thespianism, featuring Jack Thompson in his first cinema role and Chips Rafferty in his last. It’s a great swan song by Rafferty, upsidedowning everything he’d done before. But Wake In Fright goes much

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Wake In Fright (1971)

A changing of the guard in Australian thespianism, featuring Jack Thompson in his first cinema role and Chips Rafferty in his last. It’s a great swan song by Rafferty, upsidedowning everything he’d done before. But Wake In Fright goes much

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Take Shelter

Michael Shannon’s cheer squad raises this film’s critical rating. No one seems to agree on what it’s about though. As far as I could tell whilst watching, it was a film about mental illness that demanded much patience of its

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Take Shelter

Michael Shannon’s cheer squad raises this film’s critical rating. No one seems to agree on what it’s about though. As far as I could tell whilst watching, it was a film about mental illness that demanded much patience of its

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Play Misty For Me (1971)

A great popcorn-munching, psycho-watching, knife-wielding suburban thriller that precedes and outclasses the bunny boiling Fatal Attraction – ’cause look, back in the day, who drove women crazier, Clint or Michael Douglas? There’s interesting debate to be had on whether it’s


Play Misty For Me (1971)

A great popcorn-munching, psycho-watching, knife-wielding suburban thriller that precedes and outclasses the bunny boiling Fatal Attraction – ’cause look, back in the day, who drove women crazier, Clint or Michael Douglas? There’s interesting debate to be had on whether it’s


Heaven’s Gate (1980)

The literally sprawling epic that made cinema history for all the wrong reasons, raping the coffers of United Artists so resoundingly it made directorial freedom look like a bad thing. Rightly pariahed for its indulgences and cavalier discipline, Heaven’s Gate

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Heaven’s Gate (1980)

The literally sprawling epic that made cinema history for all the wrong reasons, raping the coffers of United Artists so resoundingly it made directorial freedom look like a bad thing. Rightly pariahed for its indulgences and cavalier discipline, Heaven’s Gate

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The Avengers

The Marvel Avengers go supergroup with Joss Whedon at the mixing desk. Downey Jnr’s Iron Man dominates as Whedon gives him all the good lines. Notable for an epic fx-driven battle between the assembled Avengers and some grommet faced bad

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The Avengers

The Marvel Avengers go supergroup with Joss Whedon at the mixing desk. Downey Jnr’s Iron Man dominates as Whedon gives him all the good lines. Notable for an epic fx-driven battle between the assembled Avengers and some grommet faced bad

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Black Narcissus (1947)

One ought not to rebel against nature it seems, nor the nature of things. A gaggle of nuns embark on a girl’s own Heart of Darkness journey into the Himalayas but ‘something in the air’ undoes the itinerant sisters one

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Black Narcissus (1947)

One ought not to rebel against nature it seems, nor the nature of things. A gaggle of nuns embark on a girl’s own Heart of Darkness journey into the Himalayas but ‘something in the air’ undoes the itinerant sisters one

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Safe House

The trilogy of this, Training Day and Man on Fire (let’s overlook The Book of Eli) mounts a strong case for Denzel Washington being today’s front running hollywood BAMF and you didn’t even notice. Maybe a cage match with Vincent


Safe House

The trilogy of this, Training Day and Man on Fire (let’s overlook The Book of Eli) mounts a strong case for Denzel Washington being today’s front running hollywood BAMF and you didn’t even notice. Maybe a cage match with Vincent


Source Code

Up until it starts trying to justify it’s underlying science, Source Code looks for all the world like a classy, economical sci-fi thriller. But it’s unclear whether it’s us or the writers who never quite grasp what they’re talking about,

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Source Code

Up until it starts trying to justify it’s underlying science, Source Code looks for all the world like a classy, economical sci-fi thriller. But it’s unclear whether it’s us or the writers who never quite grasp what they’re talking about,

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Dark Shadows

Another inventive flourish from Depp, maybe a career-best performance from Eva Green, plus noticeably good cameo walk-ons from Pfeiffer, Bonham-Carter and Moretz all sadly fail to make this arch gothic panto add up to the sum of its parts.

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Dark Shadows

Another inventive flourish from Depp, maybe a career-best performance from Eva Green, plus noticeably good cameo walk-ons from Pfeiffer, Bonham-Carter and Moretz all sadly fail to make this arch gothic panto add up to the sum of its parts.

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Margin Call

Still wondering where all the money went? A lot of it was never really there. And then there weren’t enough chairs when the music stopped. It’s a story that deserves half a dozen tellings and probably the first movie I’ve

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Margin Call

Still wondering where all the money went? A lot of it was never really there. And then there weren’t enough chairs when the music stopped. It’s a story that deserves half a dozen tellings and probably the first movie I’ve

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The Artist

Despite Jean Dujardin being a virtuoso charmer and perfectly cast, the falling star of the silent screen he plays here is a disagreeable prima donna – ungrateful, self pitying and sinfully proud. There are inspired strokes of visual invention, but

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The Artist

Despite Jean Dujardin being a virtuoso charmer and perfectly cast, the falling star of the silent screen he plays here is a disagreeable prima donna – ungrateful, self pitying and sinfully proud. There are inspired strokes of visual invention, but

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Woman in the Fifth

This glacial American-in-Paris mystery noir mounts some captivating intrigues then walks away without a single payoff. What happened?

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Woman in the Fifth

This glacial American-in-Paris mystery noir mounts some captivating intrigues then walks away without a single payoff. What happened?

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This thing threatens so much near-greatness its not immediately clear what’s holding it back. Sean William Scott (yes, Stifler) is barely recognisable, holds the lead spot effortlessly and earns a career reboot with help from a semi stellar indiewood cast

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This thing threatens so much near-greatness its not immediately clear what’s holding it back. Sean William Scott (yes, Stifler) is barely recognisable, holds the lead spot effortlessly and earns a career reboot with help from a semi stellar indiewood cast

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The Raid

Somewhere in Jakarta, a bunch of rookie SWAT cops find they’ve bitten off more than they can chew in attacking an apartment block full of murderous crims. It shouldn’t have been hard to make that work, but a smart, efficient,

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The Raid

Somewhere in Jakarta, a bunch of rookie SWAT cops find they’ve bitten off more than they can chew in attacking an apartment block full of murderous crims. It shouldn’t have been hard to make that work, but a smart, efficient,

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